In a shocking incident, yet-to-be-identified assailants targeted the residence of Paschal Agbodike, a prominent member representing Ihiala Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives. The attack occurred in the early hours of Tuesday, as the assailants set fire to Agbodike’s house located in Ubahi-Mbosi, Ihiala Local Government Area.

Reportedly, the attackers stormed the premises around 1 am, firing shots indiscriminately before igniting the compound. Agbodike, who also previously held the position of deputy speaker in the Anambra State House of Assembly, was not present at the scene during the attack. He was in Abuja conducting legislative duties at the time.

The property, a luxurious five-bedroom duplex featuring four living rooms and a kitchen, was completely engulfed in flames and subsequently razed to the ground. Fortunately, no casualties were reported in the incident.

Agbodike expressed shock and disbelief over the attack, as he revealed he received a phone call informing him of the tragic event. He refrained from speculating on potential motives or suspects behind the attack.

Law enforcement swiftly responded to the incident, as security operatives were dispatched to the area. The state police spokesperson, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, confirmed the incident and assured the public that surveillance efforts were intensified in the locality.

“The area has been condoned and security operatives have been deployed in the area. There are ongoing surveillance efforts by the operatives.”

While the investigation is ongoing, the motive behind the attack remains uncertain. The assault on Agbodike’s residence has raised concerns about the security of public officials and the potential political implications of such incidents. Authorities are dedicated to uncovering the identity of the assailants and bringing them to justice.

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