Thabang Mazibuko, a former housemate of South African Big Brother Titans, recently shared his astonishment upon discovering the diverse and sometimes “weird” foods consumed by Nigerians.

In a recent interview with Hip TV, the 21-year-old reality TV star expressed his initial shock when he experienced the cultural similarities and differences between South Africans and Nigerians during his 65-day stay in the Big Brother Titans’ house.

Thabang remarked, “I gained insight into the richness of Nigerian culture. While I thought South Africa had a vibrant culture and a fascinating history, Nigeria boasts an incredible array of cultures, traditions, and a truly rich history, which was something I hadn’t known before.”

He continued, “I discovered various Nigerian foods, their eating customs, and the way they combine flavors. I was surprised to learn that Nigerians eat popcorn with sugar and peanuts [laughs]. It may seem strange, but hey, it’s interesting!”

Thabang also noted the similarities between South African and Nigerian cuisine, mentioning that both cultures enjoy certain dishes. However, he found it intriguing that custard, for instance, is regarded as a breakfast item in Nigeria, whereas in South Africa, it is commonly consumed as a dessert.

The reality TV star’s encounter with Nigerian food culture broadened his understanding and appreciation for the country’s culinary traditions. Thabang’s experiences highlighted the beauty of cultural diversity and the unique practices that enrich the Nigerian way of life.

His journey in the Big Brother Titans’ house allowed him to forge meaningful connections with Nigerians, fostering a deeper understanding and respect for their cultural heritage. Thabang’s revelation serves as a testament to the power of diverse interactions in promoting cross-cultural learning and appreciation.

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