Ini Edo, a well-known Nollywood actress, has lost a legal dispute concerning the ownership of the Netflix original series “Shanty Town” to Chinenye Nworah, director of the series.

In a significant legal victory for Nworah and her production company, GCM Giant Creative Media Limited, the Nigerian Trademark Registry and the Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC) ruled in favor of Nworah.

On January 10, 2024, the Trademark Registry dismissed the petition by Ini Edo and Minnie Empire Productions Limited (MEP) for the trademarks ‘Scar’ NG/TM/O/2023/121745 and ‘Shanty Town’ NG/TM/O/2023/97482, labeling it as frivolous and without merit. The ruling confirmed Nworah’s exclusive ownership of these trademarks.

Further, on July 24, 2024, the NCC rejected a petition by Edo and MEP seeking the cancellation of two copyright certificates granted to Chinenye Nworah. The certificates pertained to the literary and audiovisual works of “Shanty Town” (Certificate Number LW10177 and CF1448, respectively). The NCC found no legal basis to invalidate the certificates and upheld Nworah’s legitimate ownership.

Olisa Agbakoba Legal (OAL) played a crucial role in securing these rulings for Nworah and GCM Giant Creative Media Limited. The outcome underscores OAL’s commitment to protecting intellectual property rights and ensuring that creative professionals receive appropriate recognition and recompense.

The decisions by the Trademark Registry and the NCC reinforce Nworah’s ownership of the intellectual property rights related to the Netflix series, highlighting the importance of safeguarding creative works in the entertainment industry.

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