Helping individuals and businesses prosper is Emmanuel Smart’s life work, in a way that seems all-encompassing; there are other careerists, but few are as passionate and gifted. Mr. Smart first began consulting in 2008 when he launched Time Concept in Akure. It’s been about fifteen years since he leased his first office space in Damlek Glass House on Oyemekun Road, Akure. Mr. Smart is no longer as young as he was when he started, but his passion is evergreen. After several successes and failures or lessons like he likes to call them, he continues to believe that entrepreneurs are the pillars of every economy. 

He stated that it’s important that businesses succeed. When businesses succeed, people get jobs, and contracts, and the government earns more taxes. It’s a win-win for the people and government when businesses thrive. However, many businesses are failing because the business leaders haven’t found the pathway to creating products customers want, and when they find it, they struggle to sell to qualified customers, he noted. 

According to Mr. Smart, businesses can not afford to waste their marketing budget on unqualified customers who cannot afford their products. He noted that many business leaders try to be all things to all customer segments. This reduces their chance of profitability. No business can thrive without successfully selling profitable products and services that customers want, he pointed out.  In his best-selling book, Make What Customers Want, the award-winning management consultant noted that businesses need to create global brands that customers want. He concluded by saying the biggest secret of prosperous businesses is “focused research on learning what customers truly want and testing ideas in controlled markets before any big launch.” Mr. Smart was recently honored as an honorary member of the Rotary Club of Plano West, USA.

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